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In an abundance of caution amidst the growing outbreak of coronavirus, Health Foundations is taking steps to limit sick and exposed people’s contact with other patients and our staff through new, temporary guidelines regarding who is allowed to enter the clinic.

While these might seem like extreme measures, this is for the safety of all patients and our staff. Our staff is small and susceptible to an outbreak if someone with coronavirus enters the clinic (particularly children who may be carriers but not show any symptoms). Our goal is to continue providing care throughout this pandemic. To do so successfully, sick people cannot come to the clinic.


Clinic Visits:

At this time, we are requiring only patients enter the clinic for appointments

  • Children (with exception of infants in arms) and family members are not to accompany patients inside the building.

  • Please wear a mask, scarf, bandana, etc

  • Upon entering you will be asked to wash your hands.

  • You will be asked a series of screening questions at each visit when you enter the building.

  • Please practice social distancing with each other and our staff.

  • Please avoid touching surfaces.

  • Prenatal care will be conducted both on site and/or via a virtual platform (i.e. Face Time, WhatsApp.) MW will triage patient the day before their on-site appointment, asking and answering all pertinent questions. Triage appt will be held via virtual Platform and charted. On-site appt will be strictly to check vital signs, urine, weight check, labs, and FHT.  Your midwife will discuss this with you further.



Persons in Labor:


  • Only partner and ONE, Doula, friend or family member will be granted access into the birth center to accompany the laboring person.

  • All attending the birth MUST wear mask

  • No additional people will be allowed to wait in the family waiting area or come into the birth center to visit.

  • No additional people will be allowed to come into the Birth center after the birth.



If you have one or more of the following do NOT enter the clinic in any circumstance. Please stay home and call the birth center at 954-925-4499 to develop a plan.



  • had CONTACT WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS TESTED POSITIVE FOR CORONAVIRUS or suspected to have coronavirus, even if you are not symptomatic

  • any ACUTE RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS (e.g. dry or productive cough, chest congestion, labored breathing, etc.)

  • a FEVER (temperature at or above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit)

  • HOME BIRTHS – If you are planning a home birth please discuss with your midwife any further requirements.

Our staff are happy to speak with you if you are unsure whether one of these circumstances applies to you. We are here for you to help you navigate these new and evolving times.



Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Thank you for trusting us on this most important journey!






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